
AMST Aviation (Aus)

Air handling unit for flight simulator setting at AMST Aviation in Austria.


Austria-based company AMST Aviation is a specialist in flight simulation and training systems for defence and civil aviation pilots. 

Rosenberg NL is the supplier of treated air for AMST Aviation. This Airfox FFS flight simulator was developed and built by the production and test facility near Schiphol and contains a complete cockpit with all the equipment found in the average civil aviation aircraft. Pilots and instructors can experience a full flight in this simulator while being simultaneously exposed to extreme conditions such as spatial disorientation and stress situations. It also uses smoke and extreme temperatures. 

The air handling unit shows how big this simulator is. Our casing is located to the left of the simulator and has a height of 150 cm. The conditioned air is transported to and from the cockpit via flexible hoses, while the Priva controller is in direct contact with the simulator via Modbus. The air volume is continuously regulated with EC fans and filtered 60% with ePM1. 

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